The medicine Nolan was on for his double ear infection really did wonders for him - except for the fact it didn't actually get rid of the ear infection:( I took him in for a re-check today, just to make sure the infection had cleared up before we hop on a plane to Florida on Saturday. Sure enough, it's not completely gone. We now have another prescription for him, and some children's benedryl to hopefully help him sleep on the plane! I just feel so bad for him. I've been battling a cold too, and I know how my ears have felt! When the nurse put Nolan on the scale today I just about fell over. When we were at the dr. on Feb. 12th he weighed 21 lbs, 14 oz. Today he tipped the scales at 23 lbs, 6 oz! What a difference feeling better has made for him - he's actually eating, and apparantly it's sticking to his bones just fine. Oh, and he is getting 2 more teeth on top, which explains why his hands are constantly in his mouth, and maybe why he's taken to chewing on his crib on a regular basis!
Nolan has been busy, busy, busy lately! His new favorite thing to do at daycare is to headbutt the cats. One of them just lays there and takes it, but the other one tries to get away. Nolan is a fast crawler, so that poor cat literally has to jump on the couch to get out of the way! Nolan has also figured out the joys of walking behind toys with wheels, which is new this week. It's so funny to watch him toddle across the floor. I think he likes his new found freedom. He's also saying a few more words on occasion, like ball and light. Bath time has become very interesting lately, as all he wants to do is crawl around and try and stand up. He loves to splash, so we're usually covered in water, and he loves to try and pull up the drain plug. He isn't quite strong enough to get it all the way up yet, but he sure tries hard!
Last weekend was an exciting weekend for us, as we finally got to tell our friends and family that another baby Bleck is on its way! Yup, we're expecting (and yes, it was planned) on September 4, 2010. Nolan will be 18 months old when the new baby is born. All that means for us is that we're going to be busy, busy, busy! The new baby will go in Nolan's current room, and he's getting moved next door to what is now the office, but will be his big kid room. We're not buying another crib, so he's going to move right in to a toddler bed, probably sometime in August. It's so fun to think about, but then I start to make a mental list of everything we need to get done before August - and then I just get tired! Just as it did before Nolan was born, everything will get done.
As I mentioned earlier, we're heading off to Fort Myers with Adam's family on Saturday for a week. I'm really looking forward to watching the Twin's practice during spring training, and to go to the first spring training game - Twin's vs. Red Sox. The warmer weather will be super nice, too!