We had such a great time at Paulette and Ryan's wedding. Adam, Nolan and I headed up Friday morning with Ellen. We dropped off Ellen and Nolan at the farm, and from there headed to Alex to pick up Adam's tux, and then back to B'ville for the rehearsal. After that it was back to Alex, or close to Alex - Nelson. Adam made me so proud that night - he shot the minnow! Yep, you read that correctly. He, along with 8 other guys, took a shot that had a minnow in it. It was probably one of the grossest things I've ever seen, but he got a really cool t-shirt out of the deal! Adam stayed at the farm Friday night, and I stayed with Paulette. I started losing my voice a little bit that night, but I had no idea it would lead to the worst I've felt in 4 years!
After Paulette and I got our hair done in Alex on Saturday morning, we headed to B'ville for the big wedding. Greg, Ellen, Adam and Nolan came to my parent's house around 11 so we could help feed Nolan before getting to the church at noon. Poor Nolan was so tired, primarily because he got up a 4 AM for some reason! Needless to say he wasn't too smiley in any of the family pics! Greg and Ellen brought him to the church for family pictures, and then Greg took him back to my parent's house for a much needed nap. Both Adam and Nolan looked very handsome in their tuxes! The wedding went off without a hitch. I could tell I was probably starting to get sick, as I was very hot at the churuch - which is unlike me. The ceremony was beautiful! After the wedding Greg, Ellen, Nolan and I headed back to Alex to check in at the hotel. Adam joined us after he helped clean up the church. Ellen and Greg took care of Nolan so Adam and I could enjoy ourselves a little bit. We are so thankful they were able to come with us! The next thing I knew dinner was done and I was giving my speech! I was hoping Nolan would last until the dance started, but he was starting to fall asleep on Ellen's shoulder before 7, so they took him back to the room and put him to bed. The dance was super fun, and we even managed to pull in some extra energy to go bowling next door at Fat Daddy's after the dance was over.
Adam and Nolan spent an hour at the pool on Sunday morning (Father's Day), before the gift opening. I was starting to really not feel well, so we left a little before 1. By the time we got home I was achy and had the chills. That turned in to a diagnosis of bronchitis, sinus infection and an ear infection on Tuesday morning! Today is the first day I'm not achy, and my voice finally sounds a little bit better!
Nolan had his 15 month check up on Tuesday morning. 15 months - my, how time flies! He weighs 25 lbs, 13 oz. (55%), is 31 inches long (50%), and has a head circumference of 18 3/4 (70%). I guess he's top heavy! He's developing just fine, which is always reassuring to hear. He had a slight reaction on his leg to his chicken pox shot, and that's finally going away. He also got 3 other shots, which he wasn't a huge of, but needed to be done. No more shots for 3 more months!
Nolan has increased his vocabularly again this week, this time with "no thank you" when he doesn't want something. We are really working hard on his manners. As soon as he was born I told myself we'd have a nice, polite little boy - and so far we do!