Nolan and his right leg/foot have been battling it out over the summer, with the leg winning on a consistent basis. It once again won last week, which resulted in another trip to Urgent Care on Thursday evening. He was fine at daycare all day (other than refusing to eat because he wanted cereal), and when I got him home he was a little cranky and hungry, but nothing out of the ordinary. I fed him first, and then made dinner for myself. Half way through my chicken enchilada I looked a little more closely at his bare feet – and his right foot was swollen and double the size of this left foot! There was a little bite mark of some kind where his foot meets his ankle and it was oozing, so I made the decision to just take him in to urgent care. After the big weigh in (26 lbs 15oz!!!), the nurse and dr. checked him over. The dr. determined it was a bite of some kind that he wasn’t able to identify, and that Nolan had an allergic reaction to it. We are treating him with an antibiotic for the infection, and using a topical solution for his foot. Luckily the swelling went down, and he was finally able to put a shoe on his foot on Saturday. Poor kid. Good thing he won’t remember any of this!
Friday night I was able to sneak away for the evening with a few girlfriends and spend 5 hours at the state fair. I always like to think I’m going to try some new fair food, but I stick with what I know and like – corn dog, gyro, cheese curds, deep fat fried pickles and mini donuts. The fair was crowded, but we managed to make our way through just fine. The highlight was listening to the crowd respond to the group performing at the free stage – Boys to Men! I had no idea there were still so many fans out there, and of so many ages! Saturday morning Adam and I spent some quality time with Nolan, taking a long walk and playing with his new outside toys (you can see how excited he was in the above pics!). We thought he would take a long nap, but he surprised us with a short 2 hour nap. We spent the later afternoon/evening at our friend's house in Eden Prairie for a get together/bean bag tourney. Nolan hung in there like a champ and lasted until about 7:45. He was super tired and fell asleep almost immediately on the way home! Sunday morning we had plans to make it to the 8:30 church service, but Nolan surprised us once again and slept until 8:30! Adam spent the day at a fantasy football draft, and I took Nolan with me to the MN Zoo, where we met up with Christianne, Brian and the girls. We had a fantastic time, and Nolan did really well. He hung out in his stroller most of the time, just chillin with his blanket, some treats and his water.
Today was our 39 week baby appointment, and we were told there is a little progress at this point - which got Adam excited, and led me to explain to him that I could stay that way for another 2 weeks! The baby is active, and I think the longer it stays in there, the better. One thing I have noticed lately is that I think my body is trying to tell me to slow down, but I'm not doing a very good job of listening to it (just ask Adam!). This week I've decided I'm going to tone it down a bit and relax a little more. There's not much time left!