So, as all good intentioned things begin, we have an idea (keeping up to date with this blog) which then becomes reality and finally the you-know-what hits the fan! I'm writing this as a representative of two new parents who are learning on the fly and between the two of us have shed tears basically everyday since Nolan was born. (Both of shear excitment and the "what the hell do I do now.") As soon as I read the last blog post I told Tricia that she had cursed us by saying it was going so well with Nolan.
Sure enough, the last entry was a week ago Saturday morning. At that point he was spitting up small amounts of yellow bile-looking stuff about 1/2 hour to an hour after he'd eat-no big deal we thought. Well that evening, he got really sick, plugged his nasal passage ways when he got sick, started choking, and turned a color of purple I will never ever forget. As a parent, to see you kid choking and feel almost helpless it was a huge kick in the gut. After calling 911, and some help from a RN neighbor, he eventually cleared a large amount of banana yogurt looking stuff on his own. By the time the paramedics showed up he was doing much better. As a precaution we took him to Methodist and exactly one week after he was born we were back on the 3rd floor anxiously hovering over Nolan until Monday. Since the "big incident" he hasn't had another episode. We went to Children's last Wednesday for a procedure called an Upper G.I. where they watched Nolan's digestive tract in hopes to find what had caused "the incident." Low and behold, he's got a serious case of reflux and that's about it. So now we make sure to keep him upright as long as he'll let us after he eats and try to burp him more.
Last Friday he had his first "official" Dr. appointment and his weight had jumped to 6.9, which was a 7-ounce gain from his birth wieght. So, he's now eating 3 ounces every 2-3 hours and it's coming out the back-end like it's supposed to... He's really begun to change, in his cheeks and face particularly. It's still amazes me how awesome this whole thing is!
Finally, as a new father, I have begun to feel a unique sense of pride with Nolan. When we went back into the hospital I had to introduce myself to 10 different nurses and each time I got to say "I'm Adam, Nolan's dad." How cool is that? And, this past Sunday at church I was able to get Nolan quite enough for the 3 minutes where I could sneak in the communion line behind Tricia-when Pastor Ed made the sign of the cross on his forehead it felt really great to be his Dad.
So, with all that being said... We defintely have appreciated all the support from our families so far, and even with its' ups and downs have Nolan is pretty much the coolest thing ever. More to come soon-hopefully about how much more he's sleeping at night!
Wow! That reflux experience is absolutely frightening! I couldn't have imagined going through that. I agree telling people that you are a dad is an unbelievable feeling of pride! We went to Laura's one week doctor checkup on Monday and the nurse called Laura in and both Christie and I sat there for a second and realized that was our little daughter being called in. It took a couple of seconds to sink in. Very cool!