Sunday, September 20, 2009

He's got skills

No, I'm not talking about Adam. Nolan seemingly overnight developed the ability to sit by himself - with a little support from his boppy. Over the last month he's developed better control of his core, so I thought I'd let him give it another try by himself yesterday. Low and behold he sat there for about 5 minutes! I am so impressed. It's so funny how fast they seem to just pick up a new skill, when in fact they've probably been working really hard for a long time to master it! Nolan also thought it would be fun to start rolling both ways this week. Adam picked him up from daycare on Wednesday and Julie told him that when she went to the kitchen he was laying by the couch, and when she came back he was by the chair! Nolan turns 6 months old tomorrow, so I guess he's probably right on track with his new skills. His 6 month check up isn't for 2 more weeks. I would guess that he'll weigh almost 17lbs. He still fits in most of his 3-6 month clothes at this point.

Adam had planned on going deer hunting this weekend, but the weather was just too warm. Yesterday he spent most of the day fishing, and did get out to his parent's place in the evening to try a little hunting. He saw a very active pheasant and a doe with 2 fawns. Speaking of deer, on Friday night Adam and I had a bonfire. Right after we got it started a yearling came walking up between our house and our neighbor's. We thought it would see us and run away, but instead it saw us and kept coming closer. It came within 15 feet of us, and then turned around. I think we figured out who's been eating the hostas around the fire pit! Nolan and I spent all day yesterday hanging out. Between his wake up time at 6:15 and when we left to run errands at 1 he slept for 3 hours! I managed to get in about a 45 minute nap, too. We went to Eden Prairie Center to run some errands, and he was perfect - just hung out in his stroller.

Today Adam and I had a very early wake up call from Nolan. He bumped his head in his crib and was up at 5:15. Adam brought him in bed with us at 5:30 in hopes he would fall back asleep, but that wasn't going to happen. I got up with him at 5:45, played with him and fed him, and Nolan was back in bed at 6:45. I also went back to bed and slept until 9:20. Adam got up with Nolan around 8:30 and let me sleep a little bit longer. I really needed it, even though I went to bed at 9:30 last night! It was gorgeous out today, so Adam, Nolan and I went on a 3 mile walk. Adam and Nolan pretty much hung out the rest of the afternoon. I went grocery shopping, made dinner, did laundry, and made cupcakes for Nolan's 1/2 birthday tomorrow. The only other thing I need to do is make my lunch for tomorrow. I need to be at work around 6:20 tomorrow for orientation, and if I don't do it tonight it won't get done!

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