Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Leaps and Bounds

In a matter of a few days Nolan figured out that he can pull himself up in to a sitting position from laying down, and made his first official crawling lunge forward. Last night Adam and I were playing with him before bed. Nolan was just rolling around in his diaper, having a grand old time. He got himself in to his "model pose", which is when he lays on his side with his arm on his leg, like he's going to work out. From there he planted his hand on the ground and pulled himself up. I think he was in shock after that happened, so he fell forward on to both hands and knees. He really had no idea what to do so he lunged forward and literally fell on his face! He thought it was funny! When I picked him up from daycare today Julie said he pulled himself up to a sitting position for her, too. It really is the little things in life that get me excited:)

Yesterday when I picked up Nolan from daycare he was sitting on the floor playing with some trucks. Kielbasa (what a great name for a cat!) was in front of him, and Scooby, the other cat, was behind him on the couch. Nolan thought Kielbasa was so funny - he kept slapping his hands on his legs and making noises at her. Julie said it was really funny to watch him when Kielbasa came closer to him - his hands would back off his legs and he would immediately stop talking! I'm sure at some point he will show no fear in chasing those cats around the house!

Turkey, squash and broccoli - all foods Nolan has eaten this week and liked! After he gets through the round of food I just made I'm going to try some new recipes for him that include some spices. We'll see what he thinks of that!

Adam's new job is going well so far. We're adjusting to his new schedule - he usually works 8 - 5. By the time he gets home Nolan is fed and is playing. Adam is taking the morning shift for the most part and getting Nolan to daycare. Today Nolan was still sleeping when I left for work at 6:50! It was hard not to see him this morning - his smile is a great way to start my day!

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