Saturday, September 11, 2010


No, we haven't had the baby yet. I'm still feeling really good - just a little water retention in my ankles (but at least they still look like ankles!). The ultrasound and non-stress test we had on Friday confirmed that our baby is not stressed, and has not dropped a whole lot. So, that means the new baby's b-day is fast approaching. Tomorrow sometime between the hours of 5:30 and 8:30 am we're going to get a call from Methodist Hospital, telling us what time we need to report to the hospital for our induction. It's a really weird feeling knowing that by tomorrow or Monday our new baby will be here. Last night we met up with Erica at BWW's in Chan in hopes it might jump start things on its own, like it did with Nolan. No such luck! It has to show up sometime, though - we're at due date plus 7 days today!

Adam and I had a great day with Nolan today. Adam spent the morning and early afternoon fishing with his dad on Lake Minnetonka. He would have probably rather been playing in the 9th annual J&A golf tourney, but it's 2 hours away, and at this stage of the game it's just too risky! Nolan and I started our day at Target, and then met up with my girlfriends and their kids at the Target book event at Highland Hills. We didn't spend a whole lot of time at the book event, but rather at Chutes and Ladders, the ginormous playground. Nolan was really well behaved. We left at noon, and he fell asleep about 5 minutes in to the ride home. The best part was we slept until 2:45 in his bed! After he woke up from his nap Adam and I decided to take him downtown Mound to check out the carnival and run a few errands. In a few years when Nolan and the new baby are old enough, the carnival is going to be so much fun!

Nolan has recently become obsessed with planes. As soon as he hears one he stops what he's doing, points in the sky and says plane. He's not always sure where he's supposed to look, but he tries anyway. Oh, and at BWW's last night he came home with a balloon and hat. Who knew that's all it takes to entertain a 17-month old? The video is of him running around at 7:15 this morning with his newest prized possessions! And you might be wondering about the picture. Last year I picked up a Buzz Lightyear and Woody costume for Nolan at Target for $1.97 each. What I didn't do is buy the right size for him to wear them for Halloween this year. We squeezed him in to the Woody costume, just for laughs. As you can see, it's pretty funny. I guess it's back to square one for costume planning!

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