Adam got a call from Jane today after lunch. She is so good about calling us to tell us about the kids - good and not so good (like the biting incident from earlier this week)! Today the report was:
1. Kale took 2 steps by himself today
2. Nolan ate green beans for lunch, which is unheard of. The ranch dressing he had to dip them in seemed to help. We tried it at dinner with broccoli, but all he did was lick the dressing off the broccoli!
3. Nolan ran from the outside sandbox to the indoor bathroom because he had to go potty, and by the time Jane got to him he already had his shorts pulled down - he just couldn't get his diaper off! He is very excited to use the potty and his really enjoying his M&M's!
Nolan has all sorts of new things he likes to say these days. On the way home from daycare "is daddy home yet?". Whenever he hears an airpane (airplane), poice car (police car) truck or mogorcycle (motorcycle) "i hear a airpane/poice car/truck coming". He loves to talk about the "owies on my knees", and whenever he falls/trips "I faw (fall) down" and "I tripped". His new favorite color is pink, and his new favorite book is called "I Stink", which is about a garbage truck. Oh, and we're happy to report that we have not received any more reports about him biting his friends at daycare!
Jane did tell me yesterday that she has been noticing that Nolan is getting frustrated with Kale more frequently that he used to. Kale is so excited and so interested in what Nolan is doing these days and he's not old enough to understand that Nolan needs his own space. Nolan especially gets agitated when Kale knocks over any towers he's built, or blocks that he's put together. Jane is finding that she has to separate the 2 of them every once in a while so Nolan can play with toys by himself a bit more, rather than constantly saying "no, Tale (Kale)!". Yes, Dale has turned in to something that sounds more like Tale - and we know he's referring to Kale.
Kale is super excited that he learned to clap. We caught him sitting by himself multiple times this evening, clapping away at nothing in particular. He thought it was really great when Nolan was yelling "hi" to our neighbor across the street, while standing in our house! We also discovered tonight that Kale has discovered his tip toes. It's getting harder and harder for us to put stuff out of his reach. He is obsessed with Nolan's crayons, and we can't seem to keep them far enough out of his reach these days! He has his 9 months check up on Monday, and hopefully his final head scan/helmet check next Friday. These last 9 months have sure flown by!
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