As noted in the previous blog entry I was in North Dakota hunting last weekend and when I got home Tricia wasn't too far behind with the boys. I couldn't believe that after they each got a haircut and being gone 5 days it looked they both aged 6 months! Nolan's vocabulary continues to expand, and on Friday morning he reminded Tricia that we need to buy bananas-which is what I told him yesterday morning as Kale was scarfing down the last one of the bunch. Thursday night Kale, Nolan and I were outside after a quick walk around the neighborhood and Kale pointed to an airplane up in the sky--it won't be long before he's chit-chatting as much as Nolan. Right now everything is more of a screech or scream, but he's definitely becoming more aware of what's going on around him. It's a lot of fun!
On a last note, Kale is popping 4 or 5 teeth through right now…I'm not going to be the one to put my fingers in his mouth, but so far he's been doing pretty well with the pain. Every once in a while we'll give him a dropper of Motrin/Tylenol or a little Oragel, but for the most part he's handling his teeth a lot better than Nolan ever did! Oh, and I got a call from Jane on Friday, letting me know Kale has quite a kind heart. One of the other 1 year olds had gotten in trouble for not listening, and he was really upset and crying. Kale walked over to him, hugged him and patted his back. It's nice to know that all the time we spend teaching our kids to give hugs and kisses pays off! One more thing - Kale has started using a spoon to feed himself yogurt. He's doing really well, but it still involves a bit of a mess!
Tricia: We had a great weekend with the kids. Adam went hunting on Saturday morning, so Nolan, Kale and I made a quick Target run. Nolan kept saying over and over "are Grandma and Grandpa home? Can I see em?" so we stopped out at Ellen and Greg's for a quick visit to see Grandma. After lunch the kids took a fantastic nap, and when they woke up we headed out to a birthday party at a farm in Chaska. It was great - there were lots of motorized rides for the kids to ride on, a bouncy house that both of our kids LOVED, and a hayride. The first time Nolan saw the tractor pulling the trailer he literally started jumping up and down, yelling and waving like a crazy person. Nolan may just end up being a little farmer - as long as doesn't get allergies like his dad!
Today we managed to make it to church. Nolan kept saying "chuch is fun"! He walked up with me for the children's message, carrying his money for the collection. When he saw the basket he tried grabbing a $5 out of it. I told him to put his money in and then asked him if he wanted to sit with the rest of the kids. He got scared and said no, so instead he sat on my lap. Halfway through the message he asked for his snack, so as soon as got back to our seat he was happy. Adam took Nolan to go to the bathroom at the beginning of the sermon, and as soon as they left Kale freaked out - so off I went with him so he could walk off some of his energy. Overall the boys did well, but as we were leaving one of the ladies said you sure have cute kids, but boy do they have a lot of energy! After another good round of afternoon naps we took off to visit with our friends and their new baby. Adam left to go hunting after that, so it was me and kiddos until bedtime. To book end this entry, the most exciting news of the day was that Nolan stayed dry all day. Every week it gets better, so that must mean there's hope for us!
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