Saturday, September 14, 2013

Happy birthday Kale!

Kale had a fantastic birthday weekend. We celebrated bright and early on his birthday with waffles, complete with a candle in it. He loved that we sang happy birthday to him. We let him open the gifts from us before daycare. He was thrilled with a spiderman backpack and lunch bag, a spiderman action figure and iron man bath toys. The first thing he said about his lunch bag is that he'll need to pack his hot lunch in it! He packed all of his new toys up in the backpack before heading to daycare for the day.

Jane texted me later in the day to let me know that she had given him a learning toy from the movie Planes. Kale was so excited that he did a somersault and said "I love it"!

We were lucky enough to be able to borrow Jane's bouncy house, so the boys got good use out of it on Friday night. This was good because it rained most of the afternoon the next day, which was the day of his party. The only other kids who got to enjoy it were Lalayna and Lola. But at least they had fun!

Kale had a couple of highlights from the day of his party. The first was the cake I made him. He explained the entire thing to me - that Lightening McQueen was on the road, Mator was on the grass and his name was on the cake. He then asked if that was his number on it. The other highlights were all the guests, but especially Jane and Devon. Poor Jane hardly got a break from him once she showed up! He loved all of his gifts, but the one that keeps causing a sharing issue between Nolan and Kale is the silly putty from great-grandma. She always knows just the right thing to get them!

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