I thought it would be fun to sign the boys up for a 1K fun run in conjunction with the Mankato Marathon events. I was wrong. It was the most epic fail of all time, and an ultimate low for our family. Kale was sick so that didn't help things. Nolan started off strong, but quickly lost steam. As I waited with everyone else to watch the kids run by I started to wonder what happened. Lalayna and Lola ran past, but there was no sign of Nolan. I told Christianne and Bob to get to the finish line so they could see the girls. I waited and waited, and that's when I finally saw Adam carrying Nolan - a sobbing, mad Nolan who kept yelling that his legs hurt. I had Kale with me and because he didn't feel well he needed to be held, too. Adam told me this was the worst idea I had ever had (I've probably had worse), and I joined him in our pathetic family walk to the finish line. We took turns carrying the boys as we moved closer and closer to last place. As we neared the turn to the finish line I saw a professional photographer taking pictures. I knew it was bad when he started laughing quietly to himself and turned the camera away. I'm not sure how we did it, but Adam convinced Nolan to run the last little bit of the race. He, Nolan and Kale finished 2nd to last - only a 3 year old little girl with a big smile on her face finished behind them. The best part is Nolan kept yelling the entire time "I just want my medal!"
You wouldn't know how bad it all went from the pictures I took (except maybe the last one).
The ultimate low came a few weeks later when Christianne emailed me the link of the professional pictures that were taken near the finish line - and sure enough the photographer managed to capture some great crying shots of Nolan. Nothing says fun family outing like that!
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