Monday, November 8, 2010

Daylight unsavings time

Up until a few years ago I loved daylight savings time - the falling back part, that is. Who couldn't use an extra hour of sleep? But alas, kids change that, and the falling back part really screws with their sleep. Nolan started talking at 5 AM on Sunday morning - which would have been 6 if not for DST. I brought him in to bed with me in hopes I could get a little more sleep, but at 5:25 neither of us could take it:) Plus, Kale heard Nolan talking and thought he should join in the party, too. The nice thing about Kale is that he fell back asleep! I remember having this issue with sleep last year, too. It took about a week for Nolan to get back on track.

I really enjoyed my time with the boys this weekend. We stuck close to home and kept a normal routine, which was great for all of us. Nolan didn't wake up once either night, and Kale didn't wake up to eat until 4 on Saturday a.m. and 3:30 on Sunday. I really appreciate the fact he goes right back to sleep after that bottle and doesn't get up until after 7! I took a walk with them both days, and even got to spend some time playing with Nolan's outdoor toys, possibly for the last time this year. Even though the boys were great, I was still pretty tired last night. It's just go go go with both of them - no time for resting during the day! Adam also enjoyed his weekend hunting, as he was able to bag a doe on Sunday morning. He's going again next weekend, in hopes of getting the elusive buck.

Nolan's vocabulary is quickly expanding. He can repeat just about everything we say these days! The best is when he gets in trouble and I ask him to repeat back what I said. He totally knows what I'm saying and it actually makes sense when he repeats it back! I love the fact I can ask him to do very specific tasks and he completes them - like getting me things for Kale. It sure helped me out this weekend! He is turning in to such a little boy. On Saturday morning he tooted, which isn't unusual for him. In the past it hasn't phased him, but not anymore. He turned to look at me and started laughing! How do boys know to do that???

Kale is getting so big - 7 weeks old already! I weighed him today and he weighs exactly 9 lbs. What a little chunk! He is doing really well. Last night he went to bed at 7:15 and didn't wake up to eat until 4! I have been blessed with 2 very good sleepers. People always say God gives you what you can handle, so I guess I wouldn't be able to handle kids who don't sleep:) I've been taking Kale to the chiropractor 2 days a week for the last 3 weeks. He's making progress, slowly but surely. He turns his head with no problem when he's laying on his back or when we're holding him. The problem he has is during tummy time. He will only turn his head to the right. I guess I just need to be patient - or at least that's what our chiropractor tells me!

I'm so excited for my big night out tonight. I'm going to Let's Dish to dish up our dinner for the month. I'm trying to find ways to make life less stressful at our house, and I determined that the most stressful time of the day is dinnertime. Everyone is tired and a little cranky, so Adam and I decided that since we already need to spend money on groceries we might as well make is easy and have the meals frozen and in our freezer, ready to be made. Plus, it's all made with fresh ingredients, so it's healthier than a lot of other things we could be making!

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