Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Big boys

I had a busy day with the boys yesterday. Kale had a PT appointment in the afternoon, so I decided to combine that with a stop at the dr. for Nolan, too - we suspected he had an ear infection. Nolan really hadn't been feeling well. He was waking up at night crying, digging in his ear, has a runny nose and super raspy voice, and was clumsier than normal. Because of all that Nolan did not want to walk on his own, so not only was I pushing the stroller with Kale but also carrying Nolan. What a workout! Kale's PT appointment was good. He is getting better range of motion in his neck, but we still have some work to do. Adam met us at the clinic for Nolan's appointment. It felt good to know we weren't going crazy when the dr. confirmed it was in fact an ear infection. What blew us away the most was what our little boys weighed in at on the scale. Nolan is described by anyone who holds him as "solid". Yes he is - at 28 lbs! And Kale is keeping up with Nolan in a rather large way. He already weighs 14 lbs 5 oz! Nolan didn't weigh that until he was 4 months old, and Kale is only 3 months old. No wonder I felt like I was shoving him in his 3 month clothes!

Last weekend I was home with the boys, as Adam made a very dangerous trek to South Dakato. The plan was for he and the brothers-in-law to pheasant hunt, but the weather had other ideas. They drove all the way down there on glare ice roads, never got to hunt due to the blizzard, and ended up almost not making it home on Sunday because interstate I-90 was closed until 2:30 Sunday afternoon. Even when they opened it travel was still trecherous - it took him 5 hours to get home. The boys and I had a good weekend despite the snow. We ended up getting between 15 and 17 inches of the white stuff! Thank goodness for Greg and Ellen. They came over Saturday afternoon with dinner, and Greg snow plowed our driveway. He was even nice enough to come back on Sunday to plow us out again where the city snowplow had piled the snow at the end of the driveway. I wouldn't have made it to the annual cookie bake/exchange if he hadn't come over!

Nolan still likes Kale, but we had our first taste of not sharing this weekend. I gave Kale Nolan's Curious George stuffed animal to play with while I was getting Nolan ready for bed. Nolan did not like that fact Kale was playing with his toy. It's tough to reason with a 20 month old sometimes! Nolan also seems to think the bumbo chair is for him to sit in, and not Kale. I'm shocked he even fits in it for how big he is!

I'm feeling really good about how much we've gotten done to prepare for Christmas. It's only 10 days away! The gifts are bought and wrapped under the tree, the Christmas baking is complete, and the holiday letter and picture was sent last week. The only thing we have left to do is take the boys to see Santa, which is the plan for Saturday morning. We have Kale's 3 month pictures first, and then plan to visit dear old St. Nick. Nolan has seen lots of pictures of Santa and can say "ho ho ho", but I'm not sure how keen he'll be to sit on Santa's lap. We may end up with one of the classic "kid screaming at Santa" pics that a lot of our friends have!

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