Monday, June 6, 2011

We've Got a Biter

Yup. Adam got a call today from Jane to let him know that Nolan bit Aubrey on the wrist. They were playing really well together, laughing and a having a good time, when all of a sudden Aubrey started crying and Jane saw the bite mark on her wrist. I am still completely mortified about it. Last week Aubrey's mom saw bite marks on her wrist so she called Jane to find out if it happened at daycare. Jane's response was "I don't have any biter's". Ugh. I know he's 2 and that this kind of stuff happens, but I didn't think our little Nolan would turn on us like this! Aubrey's mom was at daycare when I picked up the kids so we had a chance to talk about it. She was very understanding, but I still fill completey awful. We had a talk with Nolan tonight after Kale went to bed, so hopefully that will help. It worked when he was being mean to the cats and when he was climbing all over things, so we can hope! We're going to let him borrow his aunt Christianne's nick name - Choppers. I'm sure she'd be happy to pass that name off to someone else.

On a brigher note, Nolan is doing really well with potty training. Jane tried him in undies last week and it lasted for 2 days. Side note: little boy underwear is hilarious! He never wet through anything, but he was damp enough times for Jane to realize she's going to wait a few weeks to try again. He's dry all day in his diapers, so she thinks it's a security thing. The other part of it is that Nolan is on antibiotics again, this time for some type of infection on his hand that we think started from a bug bite about 3 weeks ago. Adam took him to the clinic on Friday and they weren't sure what it was, so they drew blood and tested his hemoglobin and ran the lyme disease test. His hemoglobin levels were good, so now we're just waiting for the other test results to come back. I can't imagine he has lyme disease, but they want to rule it out. The infection seems to be getting better, but the antibiotics wreck havoc on his system, so it's a good thing he's in diapers right now!

We decided to do something out of the ordinary this weekend, so we went camping! We left Saturday morning and met up with some friends at a campground about 20 minutes from our house. We didn't get a lot of sleep and we put a lot of miles on our double stroller, walking them around; but we had a great time. It was a good test run for our full weekend camping trip we have planned with more of our friends in August! There were a lot of highlights for us, but my favorite is that Kale learned how to clap and wave bye bye! He was proud to show off his new wave at 6 AM Sunday morning, when he popped up from his pack n play to wave to the rest of us, laying on the air mattress.

The boys LOVE their new swing set! Lola was kind enough to borrow us the swing she never uses, so now both of them can swing safely at the same time. Free swing sets are the best!

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