We had fun celebrating Christmas with the Bleck side of the family. The boys were spoiled with lots of fun presents and had fun playing with their cousins. They even got to make reindeer food with Grandma again. After the kids opened gifts we put them in the porch to watch a movie while we opened our gifts. We forgot that all the Christmas baked goods were out there, until Kale came to talk to me and had his hands behind his back. When I asked him what was in his hands he held them out and showed me a bon bon in each of them. We quickly put the treats away! We ended up staying overnight, which was fun for the kids. Elsa didn’t sleep much – she’s been pretty crabby lately. We think it’s mostly due to gassiness, so we’re going to start using gas drops in her bottles. Hopefully that will take the edge off! The boys were thrilled the next morning when Grandpa made them special snowman pancakes with chocolate chips.
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