Thursday, December 5, 2013

The next weigh in

I took Elsa for a weight check today and low and behold, she is 6 lbs 8 oz. - a full 5 oz. bigger than when she was born!  Hopefully the more she grows the better she'll adjust to sleeping in her crib.  Both Adam and I forgot (a little) about what lack of sleep is like - and it's a lot harder the older we get!  Right now he is taking the first part of the night, until 12 or 1 a.m., and then I get up with her after that.  Hopefully this will continue to work, as he went back to work on Monday.  Next week he's going to be in North Carolina for 3 days. I'm very thankful my mom is going to come and stay with me to help out.  I know at some point I'll need to do it on my own when Adam travels, but I'm not ready quite yet!

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