We started a new tradition this year, celebrating Christmas Eve with just our family. The boys are old enough now to appreciate and remember traditions. Santa emailed both of them a video this year. They boys were so surprised and even cheered when Santa told them they made the nice list! I think Nolan actually cheered louder when he found out Kale made the nice list like he did! We went to church after nap and then enjoyed making homemade pizzas with the kids. We also followed Santa’s journey to track how long it would be until he stopped at our house. Before bed the boys picked out the cookies they wanted to leave for him, along with a few carrots and stalk of celery for Rudolph. They went to bed really well and were so excited to wake up the next morning to see what he left for them – a scooter with light up wheels for Nolan and a new bike for Kale. They were both more excited about the new underwear and electric toothbrushes:) We spent most of Christmas Day with my mom’s extended family. We played the Garceau family tradition of dirty bingo. It was all fine and good until we started playing the second round, where you steal gifts from other people. Poor Kale was sobbing and kept repeating "but you're not supposed to steal"! I felt so bad for him, especially since he's only 3 and has always been taught not to steal! The good news is that only one person "stole" a present from him. I think he ended up with more presents that anyone else! After the game ended we headed to my parent’s house for a few days of fun. Other than 2 pretty massive tantrums by Kale at bedtime it was fun. Elsa also had her crabby moments. My family couldn't believe how loud is. She is just so uncomfortable with gas. Hopefully as she gains more weight it will get better! Oh, how could I forget to mention that we had fun putting doll slippers on Elsa, having her sleep in a baby doll cradle and putting her in a baby doll stroller? She is still so tiny!

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