Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh crap

Seriously. I never in a million years imagined I would spend this past weekend changing nasty diapers due to teething! Nolan's upper left front tooth finally broke the skin this weekend, and with it wrecked havoc on our little boy! It started Friday night on our way out the door to a party. Greg came over to watch Nolan, and as soon as Nolan got one look at him freaked out! We weren't sure what the deal was (we were also feeding him dinner at the time), but Adam soon learned that Nolan's pants were completely full and starting to leak. So disgusting. From that time forward every time we changed his diaper (which turned out to be about every 1-2 hours) we had a nasty little surprise waiting for us. He hasn't really had any major issues since Sunday late morning, other than a severe case of diaper rash, or something like that. I told Adam as we looked at all the different ointments we have in the house that I never imagined that I would try out so many different things on a baby's bum!

Nolan has discovered all the presents under the tree and makes no secret that it's where he wants to hang out. As soon as we put him down he makes a beeline for them! The other thing that Nolan has discovered is the door stop behind our bedroom door. He crawled from the hallway in to the bedroom tonight, shut the bedroom door and proceeded to play with the door stop. I now understand what it feels like to give your kid all sorts of fun toys to play with, only to be disappointed when all they want to play with is a box (or door stop!). Nolan also figured out that if he combines the 2 words "hi" and "dad" he can make his first sentence. It is so funny to hear someone that small talk.

Last Sunday we celebrated Adam's Grandma's 96th birthday. She is an amazing woman who not only is still very with it, but drives, walks on the treadmill, rides an exercise bike and goes to coffee at the local cafe. I want to be like that! I'll have to ask her what her secret is . . .

This morning as Adam walked Nolan to daycare he noticed that our fake light up deer had taken on a new pose overnight. That's right - someone decided it would be funny to put the 2 deer in a compromising position! Adam said it was pretty funny. The deer are back to their original place, but we'll see how long that lasts!

Adam thought it would have been hilarious to dress up Nolan in his santa suit to visit Santa this weekend. Even I couldn't go through with that - and you've seen what I dress that poor kid in sometimes!

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