Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Great Weight

I took Nolan to the dr. last week because it seemed like his ears were bothering him. It turned out not to be an ear infection, although his throat was pink, which means it was irritated. While we there the nurse weighed him – and I just about fell over with the results. 20 lbs! He’s gained almost 3 lbs since his 6 month check up at the beginning of October! He’s up to size 4 diapers already, too. He’s growing up so fast.

Over the last week Nolan has really become quite mobile. He’s pretty much crawling and rolling everywhere, so we now have to keep a close eye on him. He says mama and dada (and most of the time to us!), ut (which we think means what), and all sorts of other funny sounds and words. He also recognizes the word light, and love to turn it on (it’s a touch light in our living room). He loves sitting in different rooms in the house with us and looking at all the new things in it. Last week he developed a nasty little habit of waking up between 4:15 and 4:45 again – which we think happened because he wasn’t feeling good. Today was the first day since then that he’s slept in until 5:45! Adam has been getting up with him and taking care of him. Since he’s up so early Adam has decided to start running in the morning, while Nolan hangs out in his jumper thing. Seems to be working well for everyone!

Last Friday I had surgery on one of my toes that was broken 2 1/2 years ago at a wedding. The bone hadn’t healed correctly, so they had to open up my toe, shave the bone down, cut a piece out of it, cut some extra skin off it, and then stitch it back together. Luckily I was sedated! Christianne was kind enough to take to me surgery since Adam doesn’t have any time off work yet at his new job. She took care of me and Nolan on Friday, and then my mom came down for the weekend. It was so nice to have her there to help me with Nolan. Adam spent the weekend in South Dakota hunting pheasants with Eric. His trip was planned before my surgery, so it wasn’t a big deal that he went. I have to wear this really attractive Velcro walking shoe for the next 3 weeks. My toe is also wrapped up in surgical gauze and tape to prevent it from being moved around a lot, and I have very loose tube socks to wear. The new snowfall is providing me with a few challenges as far as getting around quickly. I can’t get my toe wet for 3 weeks either, so I have to wear a plastic thing in the shower around my whole foot, and a plastic bag over the shoe to walk around outside. Hopefully after my last follow-up dr. visit on the 21st my toe will look and feel brand new!

It is so hard to believe Christmas is only a few weeks away. I really wish I had gotten all our shopping done prior to my surgery. The prospect of going to the mall with hoards of other Christmas shoppers isn’t all that appealing! Adam and I are taking Nolan to see Santa on Saturday, so I’m hopeful we can stop at a mall to finish up our list after that. Last weekend I had my annual cookie bake with my girlfriends, so I have lots of cookies to plate up to give to the neighbors! We also got our annual Christmas cards/picture mailed out yesterday. I love getting the mail this time of year because every day we get pictures and cards from family and friends!

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