Monday, November 30, 2009

Nolan's new tricks

Nolan had a bit of a rough go of it over the weekend. He has another new tooth coming in on the top left, and it is causing him all sorts of issues. He was up at night quite a bit, not really crying but fussing enough where Adam heard him and went to check on him (I, on the other hand, slept through it). When he got in the room Nolan was sitting up in his crib. Good thing we lowered his crib last week after he started to try and pull himself up! He's also saying "da da", "daddy" or "papa" when he looks at Adam, waving bye bye, and giving high 5's - although I should clarify this one. Everyday when I pick him up from daycare we come home and I ask him to show me where the light is. The light I'm referring to is a touch lamp in our living room. He finds the lamp and I tell him to turn it on. He reaches out his chubby hand and touches the lamp 2 or 3 times - 3 times turns it on all the way. After he does this I tell him to give me high 5 - and he does! That's pretty much the only time he'll do it, but I still count it as his first high 5!

Sasha, Chris and Jackson stayed at our house Thursday and Friday night. We had such a great time hanging out with them! Nolan watched Jackson pretty closely, and is now that much closer to crawling and is talking a whole lot louder! Jackson moves around at the speed of light (for a baby) and is a loud talker - which is hilarious! Too bad Nolan couldn't have picked up Jackson's dance moves, too! We had a fun time with Adam's family on Saturday. We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, and were pleasantly surprised to have only a small cake pan left of turkey - out of 42 lbs! The garage may not be the fanciest place to host a meal, but it's heated and big enough to hold everyone! The best part about the food was that Nolan enjoyed his first true Thanksgiving meal. He had turkey, potatoes, green bean casserole and corn pureed together, along with a side of cranberries. He loved it!

Yesterday was a very productive day. We went to church, decorated the house for Christmas, finished hanging the outside lights, did laundry, pureed some food for Nolan and finished the Christmas baking - whew! There was only one minor hiccup. We decided it would be fun to put the tree in a different spot in the living room this year. We did this not realizing that the outlet we plugged the Christmas tree lights in to is on the same circuit as all of our outside lights! After we blew the fuse and Adam fixed it we had to shimmy our decorated 7 1/2 foot tall tree across the living room, back in to its usual spot. Oh well - at least we tried! This week is a very busy week for us. Today is Adam's mom's birthday, so he's helping celebrate her day with Greg, Erica and Dave. Tomorrow night I have a meeting at church, Wednesday we're going to finish our Christmas shopping, and Thursday I'm going to happy hour after work. Christianne is coming to our house Thursday evening. I'm having toe surgery on Friday, and she is my "responsible adult" since Adam doesn't have any time off work at his new job yet. Adam is also going hunting near Pipestone this weekend, so my mom and dad are coming to stay with me and Nolan for the weekend, in case I have a hard time getting around. I'm not sure what Adam and I would do if our families didn't live close enough to help us out!

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