Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What's your sign?

Mine was at 8:26 a.m. on Sunday morning. I was running around trying to get out the door with Nolan to attend church. It had already been a hectic morning - having gotten up with Nolan at 3:15 and then again at 4:15. He decided he was up at 4:15, so I played with him, fed him and then put him back to bed at 5:45 – and he slept until 8 (and so did I). At this point I was feeling pretty good so I thought it would be a good idea to get me and Nolan ready to go to church. It was 8:27 (church is at 8:30) and I picked up Nolan to put his coat on, and quickly realized that I wasn’t going anywhere with a kid with a poopy diaper. Hopefully God heard my extra prayers for patience! I decided to forgo church and stay home, which was good because Nolan went down again for a nap at 9:20 - and slept for 3 hours!

Nolan’s first Halloween was low key but fun. He didn’t nap real well in the afternoon, so he wasn’t very smiley when we took his pictures and took him around the neighborhood. After visiting the neighbors we quickly fed him and then headed off to Chaska for our first party of the evening. Because Nolan didn’t nap well we drove around for an hour before the party to let him get a little shut eye! We stayed at that party for about 2 hours and then headed over to Anna and Josh’s to get ready for our party. Nolan did not attend the adult party - Anna was kind enough to watch him for us so we could have fun! Adam and I dressed up as Robin and Catwoman, and Josh came along dressed as a monk. The party was fun, but we didn't get home until 2:15 (which I guess was really 1:15). I was a hurtin' unit the first 2 times Nolan got up that morning! I used to look forward to "falling back" every fall for daylight savings, but as a mom it isn't nearly as much fun. Nolan's schedule has been off since Saturday night and he's been waking up at odd times. Apparently a 7 1/2 month old just doesn't get the concept! My hope is that "springing forward" will work more in my favor! Later in the day we headed over to Justin and Lori's house to watch the Vikings beat the Packers with some friends.

Yesterday Nolan had a follow-up visit with the chiropractor. She made a few adjustments in his neck and lower back. He wasn't real happy about it, but he didn't scream his head off like he used to do! She'd like to see him again in 3 months. I also made an appointment for Nolan to get the booster shot for the seasonal flu vaccine for next Tuesday. I just read some information that Nolan won't even be eligible to get the H1N1 vaccine until 4 weeks after his booster. Hopefully there will be a bigger supply of vaccine available when that time roles around mid-December.

The next 2 weekends Adam is going to be deer hunting at the farm, so Nolan and I will be spending a lot of time together. I have tentative plans with some girlfriends for Saturday afternoon and evening, so Paulette and Ryan are going to watch Nolan for me. I might also have plans for Friday night, and if that's the case I need to work on securing a babysitter for that night, too!

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