Thursday, February 11, 2010

The initiation

It's official - we've been initiated! Nolan has been coughing up a storm, and he finally figured out a way to get all the gunk out of his system - by throwing up all over Adam! I wasn't feeling well last night, so Adam had Nolan duty. When I picked up Nolan from daycare, Julie said he was a little out of sorts, coughing a lot, and tired. He wouldn't eat anything for dinner - not even yogurt or cheese! About a 1/2 hour later Adam took Nolan to get ready for bed, Nolan started coughing, and then all I hear is Adam saying "ewwww" and "gross". He then runs in to the kitchen with Nolan, and is asking "for a little help here!" It was absolutely disgusting. Adam and I figure that we (more Adam than me) have finally been initiated as parents! I find it pretty impressive that we made it 10 1/2 months without getting thrown up on.

Adam is at a work event tonight, so it was just me and Nolan. Nolan decided that tonight was the night that he was going to start walking along the furniture! It was so funny watching him figure out how to do it. The thing that motivated him downstairs were the remotes for the t.v. Once he saw those on the end table at the other end of the couch he was off and walking. After that he climbed the steps again, and then he tired out. He still gets tired super early in the evening (around 6). I gave him a bath and needed to keep him for another 20 minutes. I thought I could get him to play a little longer, but that was not the case - all he wanted to do is cuddle! He was in bed and sleeping at 6:35. The only change we've had to make to his bedtime routine is with his bottle. We've been noticing for a few weeks that he just doesn't seem all that in to drinking a bottle before bed. It's almost like he's wheening himself off the bottle before we do if for him. Now if only he would start eating dinner better by himself!

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