Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nolan is 1!

Yup, the big day has come and gone - and Nolan had a great day celebrating! He took 2 really good naps, ate everything we gave him (which is unusual, as he's a very picky eater, especially with foods he determines "feel funny") and entertained our families with his smiling and clapping. It was a lot of work getting ready for his party, but he had so much fun, and I think our guests did, too! Nolan was very spoiled by everyone and has lots of fun, new toys to play with! I even went to the effort of baking and decorating his cake, which I wasn't sure I could do. It turned out better than I thought it would! Our little house was crowded and loud, but isn't that what makes a great party?

The big news this week is that Nolan had his last bottle Sunday night before bed. It's kind of a sad transition when your baby stops drinking out of a bottle. I think it's the realization he's not going to rely on us so much anymore that's hard! But, knowing another baby is on the way makes it a little easier to take! He's transitioning to whole milk ok. We were mixing it with a little formula at the beginning of the week, but have stopped doing that. If he's really thirsty he'll drink, so he's adapting.

He's getting better and better at standing on his own. It's funny - he lets go of what he's holding on to, hangs out for a while, and then realizes what he's doing and sits down. He received a couple of walk behind/ride on toys for his birthday, and he does a really good job of walking behind them. Someday he'll be brave enough to take his first steps!

I had to leave work early today to take Nolan to an appointment. I picked him up from daycare at 3:35, and he was fine - had just gotten up from a nap. Julie said he had a great day - ate well and took 2 good naps. Literally 2 miles in to our drive he started coughing, which is odd because he doesn't have a cough. From there it turned in to this awful gagging sound, and then he started having trouble breathing. I pulled the car over to the side of the road, got out of the car and got in to the back seat, and saw he was throwing up everywhere. Poor kid! I felt so bad for him - and me, too! I've never really been thrown up on before, so that was new. I cleaned his face off as best I could, then turned around and drove home (with the windows rolled down). I undressed him in the garage, gave him a bath, put some warm clothes on him, and then took him outside with me so I could clean the car seat. It was one of the top 5 most disgusting things I've ever had to do, but I bucked up and did it. Nolan was fine playing outside, and didn't have another incident until we tried to get him to eat bread or cheerios, and then he drank too much water. Both Adam and I took a hit that time! He played well after that, so hopefully it's something that will resolve itself quickly. He went to bed at 6:30, and we're hoping he makes it through the night without any issues. His 1 year check up is tomorrow, so we'll see how he's doing then. The bad part is he can't go to daycare, so I think I'll take a half day, and Adam will take the other half. Ah, the joys of parenting . . . but neither of us would trade it!

We had our 16 week check up today for the new baby, and everything is progressing nicely. At my last appointment the dr. was concerned because I lost some weight - which didn't surprise me, as I wasn't eating as much as I was around the holidays, and I wasn't drinking beer! I gained weight at this appointment, so everyone was happy. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and it's nice and strong. It's always such a relief to hear it! The cool thing is I thought I felt the baby moving a few different days last week, but wrote it off as nothing because I thought it was too early. I know I felt it Monday night, which is about 2 weeks earlier than when I was prego with Nolan. It feels a lot more real now!

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