Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week minus 1

One week from today our little Nolan turns 1. Hard to believe a whole year has passed since we brought him home from the hospital! He's as busy as ever. On Wednesday when I picked him up from daycare he said Julie's name as we were leaving -3 different times! Both Julie and I were so excited. His vocabulary is getting to be quite extensive - or as extensive as it can be for an almost 1 year old! He doesn't say these things all the time, but he has said them, and knows that they mean: light, ceiling fan, woof (what does a puppy say?), buh bye, and hi. He also started standing on his own this week for the first time. He's fine for a short time, and then he starts to panic and sits down. My guess is he'll be taking some steps on his own by the end of April. Julie also told us that she took Nolan for a walk on one of the nice days last week. Nolan LOVES to be outside, and when she got him back to the house and tried to bring him inside he got upset. I look at that as a good sign, especially with spring and summer right around the corner!

Nolan and I went to church this morning, and he was such a good boy. He sat next to me in the pew for the first 10 minutes, quietly sitting and looking around. After that he enjoyed dancing and singing with the choir, walking along the pew, eating cheerios, and visiting and playing peek a boo with one of the ushers (who thinks Nolan is a handsome little boy!).

Suprisingly Nolan didn't have any issues with daylight savings time. I remember in the fall it was a difficult adjustment for him. He didn't get up until almost 8, and didn't even take a morning nap - a first for him! He did go down early for his afternoon nap, at 11:45, but went to bed at his normal time of 6:45. There are quite a few changes that happen when a kid turns 1 - no more bottles, switching to whole milk, facing forward in a car seat, and the dreaded only 1 nap a day. I've gotten kinda used to that fact Nolan typically naps between 3 and 5 hours a day. With only 1 nap a day I'm sure that will change!

Yesterday Nolan and I ran errands, trying to find some decorations for the cake I want to make for his birthday. I had no idea it would be so difficult to find Curious George decorations! I found something on-line last night and ordered it. Now I have to wait and see if it will show up on time! I feel a little better about his party, as I made the menu and my list of things to buy for it last night. I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed with all the party planning I need to do in the next 2 months - Nolan's birthday, and Paulette's bridal shower and bachelorette party. Paulette's parties will just need to wait until after next Sunday!

I love the fact the snow is melting and the sun is shining! Adam and I took Nolan for a walk this afternoon, and to the playground for the very first time. He loved being in the swing, and even took a trip down the slide with Adam. The snow on the ground in the pictures is deceiving - it was 64 degrees and really warm! When we got home from our walk Nolan played with the truck he got from Grandma and Grandpa Bleck for Christmas. He thought it was really fun to honk the horn! We also sat on the front step so we could all enjoy a snack. We wanted to spend as much time outside as possible! Nolan and I finally went inside when Adam spotted the first gardner snake of the season, and needed to "take care of it". We thought that was as good a time as any to move indoors!

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