Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am so proud to share that Nolan has had 2 successful nights in his new bed, and is on his way to a 3rd! I really didn't see this transition going as smoothly as it has gone - what a great surprise! The only adjustment to his bedtime routine we've had to make is that he wants us to sit next to him while he falls asleep, which takes somewhere between 5 and 20 minutes. We're going to roll with that for probably another week, and then start to let him figure it out on his own. He hasn't woken up in the middle of the night since Sunday, and we've had to wake him up the last 2 mornings to get him to daycare! We really are quite proud parent's to have such an adaptable kid.

Today was Nolan's first day at daycare without a cast or walking brace. The highlight of his day was walking outside with Jane this morning, and realizing he was walking over to play in the sandbox. He LOVES the sandbox, and hasn't been able to play in it for 3 weeks. Jane told me that they got about half way there and he started giggling and getting really excited. She said he smiled and played for an hour and half!

The getting ready for new baby plan is in full force. I picked up diapers at Target today. What a strange feeling it was to pick up diapers for Nolan and the teeny little newborn diapers for baby - talk about a reality check! Tonight I'm going to weed through all of Nolan's clothes and pack away what doesn't fit him. His clothes and anything else of his in the nursery are being moved over to his new room this weekend. Slowly but surely we'll get everything accomplished in the next few weeks!

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