Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nolan had another follow-up visit to the dr. on Tuesday. He is done with the walking cast, and we're just going to monitor his walking, particularly his right foot, to see how he improves. He gets a little stiff legged by the end of the night, and his right foot is angled out a little more than before the break. If it's not better in a month then we'll take him back in. Please, please be better - it's at about the same time as when new baby will arrive!

The bedtime routine is still going well, except the whole "he needs us to be in the room until he falls asleep" thing. I'm much stronger than Adam and can let him cry it out, to a point. The poor kid starts coughing after a while, and he has been known to hold his breath until he starts to turn purple. The longest I've let him cry is about 6 minutes. I'm not sure what we're going to do about this, but we need some resolution soon! Oh, and I took him in for a haircut that same day. He did great - because he had his blanket in his lap and part of a breakfast cereal bar in each hand!

Nolan is talking quite a bit more, and he's actually saying more words we can understand. Tonight Adam asked Nolan if he was ready to put his pj's on, and Nolan looked at him and said "no". So funny to hear that come out of his mouth! Over the last week he's said "I'm stuck" after he shut our bedroom door and couldn't get it open, kitty, blanket, inside (when he was outside with Adam on one of the many hot days we've had recently) and milk. He's really, really good at shaking his head yes and no, and doing it exactly when he's supposed to do it! He's very adament about showing us what he needs, usually by pointing and then getting frusterated (screaming and/or hitting himself usually follow). We can tell he's trying to be more independent, which is good and bad!

Last night I took Nolan to Adam's last regular season softball game. I really don't mind the heat, but the humidity these days is awful (pregnant or not). Poor Nolan sweats more than any kid I've ever seen! His hair was pretty wet from sweat (and quite curly), he had sweat beaded up on his face, and his clothes were even getting wet! We really need to watch him to make sure he's drinking enough water. The game was well past his bedtime, and in a fit of anger (because I wouldn't let him walk by a mud puddle) Nolan hit me, but instead of really hitting me a fingernail on his right hand marked up my chin and neck. I have a very red, and pretty long scratch mark on the front of my neck, and 2 little ones on my chin. Nothing feels better than having to tell people you got "hit" by your 16 month old, to the point where it leaves a visible mark!

Baby planning and prep is going great. The list has been a lifesaver! We finalized the Nolan duty plans yesterday for when we're at the hospital. He'll be in daycare during the day - we don't want to mess up his routine too much. We had our 36 week appointment on Monday. Baby is good, and there is nothing to report as far as progress. I don't get my hopes up - I didn't really have any progress with Nolan, either! I also picked up a girl outfit and boy outfit to take to the hospital with us. Now I just need to wash it!

Last weekend Nolan and I spent Saturday in Mankato, celebrating Lalayna's 4th birthday. He did pretty well, but always seems a little overwhelmed by the older 3 girls. Paulette was kind enough to keep him overnight down there so Adam and I could enjoy his 15 year class reunion. It was awesome to have a night out, and to be able to sleep in until 10 on Sunday morning! This weekend we're headed up to Albertville for Pool Party 2.0 - at the same place we were at over the 4th of July. We are very much looking forward to it, and will be camping out in their backyard Saturday night so we don't have to drive home. It's not supposed to be as hot or humid, so Adam and I are both excited to test out this whole camping thing with Nolan.

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