Sunday, January 2, 2011

And like that it was done

I'm not sure how it happened so quickly, but my time at home with Kale is done. 15 1/2 weeks went so fast! I have mixed emotions about going back to work. I know I'm ready to go back (even though I don't know what I'll be doing yet!), but I know I'm going to miss my lazy days with Kale. Some days with him were of course better than others, but overall I really, really loved my time home with him - even more so than with Nolan. I think it's because I knew what I was getting in for, and was far more prepared this time around. Kale is going to get lots of love and attention from Jane and all the kids at daycare, so I don't have any concerns about how he'll be taken care of while I'm at work. We had a good thing going, the two of us! I didn't cry when I dropped of Nolan, but I have a feeling I just might with Kale. Good thing I have an office door to close at work.

Speaking of time flying, where did the last 2 weeks go? Christmas celebrations, of course! We spent time with Adam's family on Christmas Even and Day, the Oven extended family in Rochester the day after Christmas, and with my family Wednesday - Saturday of last week. We even got to ring in the new year and celebrate my dad's 60th birthday! Okay, so I didn't get to actually ring in the new year. The sleepless nights of traveling with our children caught up with me, and Nolan was sick again - battling more teething, another ear infection and a terrible cough/cold. He woke up at about 10:45, so Adam and I rang in the New Year (and our 4th anniversary) at 11 with the east coast, and then I went to bed with Nolan. Adam stayed up with my sisters/brothers-in-law to actually ring in the new year. I know, lame. But such is the life when we travel with our children!

Adam and I are still trying to figure out where to put all the new toys the boys got for Christmas. There are a few toys of Kale's that we're not evening opening right now - we'll wait until it's a little closer to the "age appropriateness" listed on the box. It's funny - Nolan does like all the toys he got, but he really likes a lot of Kale's toys better. Hopefully he'll be good at sharing when the time comes that he needs to do that!

Kale isn't sleeping quite through the night yet, so tonight will be interesting. He's so darn gassy that he's been waking up 2-3 x's/night, which is a huge step backwards from what he was doing about 3 weeks ago. I'm preparing myself for all the coffee I'm going to have to drink to keep me going! He's still busy playing with his feet, practicing rolling from side to side in hopes to flip over from his back to tummy, and LOVES "standing". He's not one to stay in one spot for long, and he really lets you know when he's not happy! On the flip side, Kale is turning in to quite a giggler, and his laugh is so funny. One of his favorite things to do is stare at himself in the mirror.

Nolan has been really funny lately. The other day I was feeding Kale and Nolan was reading a book upside down. I told him to turn in around, and instead of turning the book around he turned himself around. That gave me quite a laugh. He got a basketball hoop for Christmas, and somewhere (and we don't know where) he learned that he should jump when he shoots a basket. He picks up on things so quick! And today when I was cleaning the kitchen I asked him to help me. I gave him a rag, and he got down on his hands and knees and started scrubbing the floor. Again, nothing we've actually taught him, but proves that he pays attention to everything we do! Another reminder that we need to watch what we say/do around him!

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