Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The boys and I had a fun weekend. We were up and out the door at 8:30 on Saturday morning. Our first stop was to get haircuts. Both boys were great, and Nolan’s big payoff of a sucker made his day! He was a little disappointed I didn’t let him get another one at the liquor store, but it was only 9 in the morning! Our next stop was the mall to buy new shoes for both of them. I felt like a horrible mom when the salesperson told me that Kale is a size 6 ½ and Nolan is a size 8 – and they were wearing a size 5 and 7! I’m amazed at how big Kale’s feet are. Nolan just moved in to a size 7 in August. At this rate I imagine he and Nolan will be in the same size by next year. After that we did some shopping. The funniest thing to me is when the mall walkers stop me and make sympathetic comments like “Wow, your life must have changed when you had them” or “I bet you’re busy with the 2 of them!”. Many people think that Nolan and Kale are twins, and when they see me pushing around the jogging stroller with the two of them in it they think that even more. There was even a woman at Great Clips who saw the kids without jackets on, standing next to one another and asked if they were twins. I told her they were 18 months apart and she said she noticed a slight size difference but that they look so similar!
After a quick lunch at Subway we headed up to Moose Lake to help Jackson celebrate his 3rd birthday. I decided to take I-35 to drive through Minneapolis so the kids could see the tall buildings and the Metrodome. Nolan thought it was so cool and insisted that he wanted to watch the Vikings play at the Metrodome. I told him maybe next year! The kids didn’t nap as long as they should have, so when I finally stumbled in the front door at Chris and Sasha's house Kale’s face was red and blotchy from crying and Nolan had just stopped crying and wouldn’t let me put him down. It took a little while but they finally relaxed and were able to have fun. The kids played hard, ate well and slept well, and were so worn out that when we drove home on Sunday they both slept for almost 2 hours. The kids woke up just as we were driving by the Metrodome again. This time I decided to take I-94 so I could drive them through the tunnel. Nolan was amazed that it was all of a sudden “dark outside”. It was a great surprise to get home and see Adam waiting for us.

We’re pretty sure Kale is getting more teeth, based on his hand constantly being in his mouth, red cheeks and gross diapers. We remember Nolan getting his 2 year molars early, so I wonder if the same thing will happen to Kale. He’s had all of his teeth, including his 1 year molars, since he was 13 or 14 months old. I’m so happy that his teeth only bother him during the day and he still sleeps well at night! He is still continuing to express his frustration when he doesn’t get his way by going in to the downward facing dog yoga pose. One evening last week when I arrived at Jane’s to pick them up he was in the yoga pose in the snow, frustrated at Jane because she wasn’t holding him. He is very vocal:)

Nolan’s observation of the trucks parked on the ice:
“Mom, the trucks are floating on the ice!”

Nolan’s opinion of the music I was listening to in the car:
“Mom, Daddy plays Elvis in his truck.”

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