Friday, November 9, 2012

So many questions, so little time

Kale has become more and more enthralled with asking why, what’s that, what happened, etc. He repeats things like crazy and then doesn’t forget what he’s learned. He is talking in pretty full sentences that we can understand, but I’m sure leave everyone else guessing. He is getting closer to being potty trained and does a great job with #1. He does great at daycare with the other stuff but struggles more at home. If we catch him before or during the act we can get him to the potty. He still gets excited when he goes on the potty and we make a big deal out of it. He has almost memorized his favorite book, Dora and the Pumpkin Patch – to the point where he tells us what ingredients go in to a pumpkin pie. Nolan has a good memory, too, but I don’t remember him memorizing books at this age! Kale has developed quite a temper and doesn’t shy away from letting us know when he doesn’t like something we’ve done or said – or he doesn’t get his way. We’re talking fists at his side, jumping up and down in the air and flailing on the ground at times. We describe them as epic, because Nolan didn’t have tantrums like that at his age.

PJ club went a lot better this week, and both kids made it through story time no problem. The issue we’re having now is that Nolan just crashes when we get home, but Kale picks up some extra steam and has a hard time calming down to go to bed. He always wants the “door open”. He also goes down really easy if I sit in the hallway until he’s sleeping. Bad habit I started!

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