Monday, February 2, 2009

Let it Rain

I may have slightly started to freak out last week because while the nursery appears to be in order, we literally had 2 diapers and not a single wipe in our house. What if the baby were to show up tomorrow - what would we do?? I'm sure we would have just stopped at Target on the way home from the hospital and figured it out, like any rational person would. Instead what we did is go out and buy a mattress for the crib. That didn't quite solve my diaper dilema, so on Saturday I bought a small pack of diapers, wipes, baby laundry detergent, and a changing table mattress. I now feel confident that if the baby does come early at least it won't have to go bare butt! Countdown clock - 5 weeks and 5 days.

Yesterday we had our very first baby shower - a "Tailgating for Team Bleck" couples shower hosted by our friends. It was so much fun, and the party totally fit both me, Adam and our soon-to-be baby. We feel very lucky to have such a great support system! We played a few creative games (multiple choice Baby Bleck game, speed diaper changing on a real toddler, and guess which couple made the onesie), filled our bellies with cake, and then enjoyed the Super Bowl at Kirk and Kate's house. Today Adam was proud to wear yellow and black in honor of the Steeler's winning the big game!

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