Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's?

No, it wasn't an April Fools joke. When I picked up Nolan from daycare today he was dancing in front of the tv (Julie keeps her tv on the local city channel that plays music). As he was showing off his cool dance moves, he discovered he could turn the tv on and off . . . and on and off . . . and on and off. He is obsessed with figuring out what buttons he can push that will make something happen - like turning on and off the tv! Good thing our tv is hung on the wall downstairs. There's no way he can touch it! He's working really hard to figure out how to make the remotes work, though.

Yesterday Adam made a list of things we need to do before the baby is born. Yikes - talk about a reality check! I'm not quite sure when we're going to get everything done. I'll feel better once we prioritize the list, and figure out timelines. All but 3 weekends are booked between now and Paulette and Ryan's wedding on June 19th!

This weekend we're heading up to my parent's house to celebrate Easter - and Emma's 5th birthday. We're really hoping the weather will cooperate, at least for part of the day on Saturday. It gets to be really, really crowded in their house with all of us there!

As proof that we've had a wonderful spring so far, I just need to document the fact that the last snowfall we've had was on February 23rd - not a single snowflake in the month of March! It's the first time since records have been kept that we've gone the entire month of March with no snow. Yipee - I love spring!

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