Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where's the "urgent" in Urgent Care?

What an interesting day. It started off great - I got to work early and got a lot done before lunch. I decided to run some errands at lunch, and came back with a few great finds - a new floatie for Nolan from Babies R' Us for only $1.60, and a new mailbox from Menard's. Our current wooden mailbox is infested with boxelder bugs, to the point I hate to even go get the mail. Adam said if I picked up a mailbox he would stick it in the ground. My part of the project is done:) I also got the paint shook up again for Nolan's new room, in hopes I would be able to paint the first coat tonight. That didn't happen, and after you read this you'll understand why.

Around 11 I received a phone call from Jane. Nolan was sliding down a plastic slide on the lap of one of the older kids, and the sole of his right shoe caught on the plastic. He right foot bent back as he went down the slide, under the weight of the other kid. He cried quite a bit, and when Jane tried to put him down he wouldn't/couldn't stand on his foot. She thought it looked swollen, so she gave me a call and thought we should think about taking him to the dr. I asked her to put Nolan down for his nap and see how he did after that. He was in a good mood as long as he was being held and he wasn't standing on his right foot. It was also more swollen. I picked him up and met Adam at the Urgent Care in Chan. After an hour and a half wait (difficult with a 15-month old who loves to run around but can't because he can't put weight on his foot) we were happy to hear it's not broke, just sprained. The tough thing is there isn't a lot we can do for him, other than give him some Motrin and try to ice it. We need to keep an eye on him for the next 2 days to see if he improves, too. If he doesn't we'll need to make an appointment for him to be checked again. The good news is that kids apparantly heal pretty quickly. Let's hope that's the case for our little guy! We didn't get home until 7, and Adam had to rush out right away to get to softball on time. By the time Nolan got done eating it was 7:30 - way past his bedtime. Good thing he took a cat nap on the way home from the clinic! He fell asleep as soon as I put his pj's on, and I decided to not give him anything for his foot tonight. We'll see how he's doing in the morning.

On the way to pick up Nolan from daycare I almost got in a really bad car crash. I was driving by the Target and Byerly's near work, in the right hand lane of the 4 lane road. As I was passing the 2nd entrance to the grocery store (probably going 33 in a 30 - I know, I know), an SUV literally pulled out in front of me, in to the Byerly's entrace. Right in front of me! I swerved the best I could to avoid a major collision (on wet roads, as it had been raining throughout the afternoon), but he still managed to not stop fast enough once he saw me. The CRV was hit on the front driver's side, on the far left side of the bumper. There's a dent, scratches, the bumper seems a little loose, and the tire rim decorative thingy is loose. I'm so thankful I swerved as much as I did. He would have hit me right where I was sitting, which is a scary thought because I'm almost 8 months prego. As soon as he came over to look at the damage to my car it started downpouring! We quickly exchanged insurance info, and lucky for me he also has American Family Insurance. I called our agent and let him know what happened. Now it's the waiting game to see I'll be dinged at all for the accident. It was not my fault, really. I take complete responsibility for the 2 accidents I've caused, but this is not one of them. Hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow about how it's progressing.

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