Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby Update 2010

Our due date (September 4th) has come and gone, which is exactly how Nolan's pregnancy went. I'm okay with it - I think Adam is getting a little antsy. I still believe the longer the baby stays in the belly the better it is, especially for the weight of the baby. I told Adam there is a 100% chance that we will have a baby in the next 7 days or so:) Our next appointment is on Wednesday, and I'm sure we'll talk about inducing, just like we did with Nolan. Luckily he came on his home, and we're hoping this one will, too.

We had a very relaxing Labor Day weekend. We stuck around home, had a bonfire 3 nights in a row, spent a lot of quality time with Nolan, and spent some time with Adam's family. We also got a bunch of stuff done around the house - cleaning, laundry, etc. I'm still feeling really good, so we took a couple of long walks on the trail, too. Nolan is a great companion on a walk, but really enjoys the time he spends with Adam when he takes Nolan on his training runs. Yep, Adam is training for a Turkey Trot 5K in Aitkin, so Nolan has benefited from his training!

On Friday afternoon I spent a few hours at Let's Dish, making meals for when the baby is born. Adam and I found it really helpful when Nolan was born, so we decided to do it again - just this time on my own. I came home with 10 meals, which should take us through the first 3 weeks of new baby being around, with a few other homemade meals mixed in. Anything to make it easier for us is worth it!

Nolan had a bit of a tough day today. He had a great morning, so we assumed it would continue through the afternoon. He went down for his nap at 12:15, and usually doens't wake up until around 2:30. Today he woke up really upset at 1:30, and we could tell he wasn't feeling well. He's in the process of getting 4 teeth, and normally it doesn't bother him - but today it did. We gave him some ibuprofin, hoping it would make him sleepy. It didn't, although it did make him feel a little better. He tried really hard to be good, but he was so overtired it was difficult for him. He took a turn for the worse at dinner time. Adam was making fish, and I was playing with him. He's recently thought it's funny to hit me, which it's totally not. It's not like it hurts, but it's not something we want him to do. The worst part is I know he's doing it to get a reaction out of me. The first few times he hit me today I held his arms down, told him "no, we don't hit. It hurts mommy and mommy's feelings." After he continued to hit me I put him in his very first time out, at the end of the hall upstairs. I don't really know if he understood why he was there, but he sat there for a minute and didn't make a peep. When his time was up I went over there, explained to him again why we don't hit, told him to say "I'm sorry" (which he didn't because I don't think he can yet), and then to give me a kiss and hug, which he did. I thought we had an understanding at this point, but we didn't, because about 10 minutes later he did the same thing to me. He went in to a timeout again, and after that didn't hit me anymore. I really wish I understood why he's doing it, but I know most kids go through this phase, and it's temporary. I just hope that he doesn't hit the new baby when we bring it home from the hospital!

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