Sunday, October 2, 2011


It's been 2 weeks since Nolan started wearing "underpants" every day. Yes, he calls them underpants. Must be a daycare term! He is not fully trained, but Jane thought it would be good if we got moving on it. He doesn't tell us when he has to go, and has only done that a few times at Jane's. He goes potty every 45 minutes to an hour, and goes every time. He hasn't figured out #2 yet, although we think we're getting closer. Jane called me at work on Friday morning to let me know she had caught Nolan in mid act and made him sit on the potty. 10 minutes later she heard him yell "all done, Jane", and when she went in there he had finished the job. His reward was a purple popsicle, and he was so proud of himself - he even told me over the phone. Overall I'm excited that we're in this stage, but have come to realize we're going to be potty training for the next 2-3 years. It's a lot of work for the parent! The most work comes in the morning, as we're heading out the door a little before 7. Kale will come running over, stinking to high heaven - so we have to change him. Then Nolan dribbles just enough in his underwear that he needs an outfit change. This is of course after he's already sat on the potty 2 times in 45 minutes! Needless to say Adam and I seem to be running late every morning.

About a week and a half ago Kale started to get sick - fever, not eating or drinking, and overall crabby, which isn't like him. We chalked it up to teething, as he's getting 5 teeth right - 3 of them are his 1 year molars. I ended up taking him to the dr. to get checked out because he was also digging in his ears. Side note: he was 24 lbs, 2 oz! His ears were fine, but he had ulcers in the back of his mouth, which typically indicates the onset of hand, foot and mouth disease. There wasn't anything they could give us to make him more comfortable, because it's viral. We treated it with over the counter Tylenol and Motrin. He seems to be getting better, but you can still tell he's uncomfortable - his hand is in his mouth quite a bit!

Nolan has been adding quite a few "things/thoughts" to his nightly bedtime prayer. This week he added shout outs for "Cookie Monster, Elmo, "Tale's" burfday next year, my birthday next year, fire engines and cars". I guess we know what's important to him!

I finally decided to get serious about working out again, so I joined the fitness center at work. Twice a week I roll out of bed just before 5 and leave the house by 5:15 to go to boot camp. It's pretty intense, but it must be working, as I feel very, very sore! In a few weeks I'll feel great, though, so that's what I keep focusing on.

Adam is gone hunting until Tuesday night, so it's just been me and the boys since Friday morning. Overall they've been very good. Yesterday we went to St. Cloud. Our first stop was at Kid's Hair. It is amazing how fast their hair grows! Nolan marched himself in the store, walked up to a stylist and asked to get his haircut. He even let her take his jacket off and lift him in the chair. That was actually quite helpful because I had both boys by myself! Neither of the boys made a peep, and I was complimented by the staff on how well behaved they were. It makes me so proud to hear that! We spent the rest of the day at my parent's house. We rolled back in to town just in time for bed. This morning we left the house a little before 9 to go grocery shopping. We were there for almost an hour, and again they were so good. 4 people stopped as I was bagging our groceries to tell me how well behaved they were. Part of it was the cool cart they got to ride in, and the other part may have been the Teddy Grahams they enjoyed while I bagged!

Hopefully by the time Adam gets home the house will be completely painted. Wednesday the garage door is getting installed. The house is going to look so much better! Now to find the time to wash the windows . . .

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