Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chit chat

Nolan was playing with a rocket mirror and counting backwards, 3….2…..1….. blast off!
D: Nolan, did you know that 50 years ago today John Glenn circled the Earth 3 times in a space shuttle?
D: Ah,(internally-What do I say to that?) no…

D: Nolan, pick out two books that you’d like to read before bed.
N: Mmmm, let’s see (with his pointer finger up to his lips while he views his bookshelf)
D: Did you pick them yet?
N: One second please.
(At least he has manners!)

N: Dad, I have to do my homework.
D: Homework? Well, what do you have to do?
N: Dad, I have homework, so I’m going to go do that now (walks over to his easal and picks up the chalk).
D: Sounds good, let me know if I can help…

We continue to watch the boys grow like weeds. Kale ate three bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios yesterday morning and today he had two. Nolan’s average breakfast is either a packet of oatmeal or two bowls of cereal. This morning he ate two bowls of dry cheerios…I don’t question it. I shudder to think what our grocery bill is going to turn into! Kale is wearing the clothes that Nolan wore when Kale was born…it’s weird seeing all of these clothes make a return trip-it doesn’t seem like too long ago Nolan was the one running around wearing them.

Kale is quickly outgrowing his crib. He is bonking the sides of his crib in his sleep, so of course it wakes me up in the middle of the night, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He’s also chatting up a storm, so Tricia and I are doing the best we can to understand the pointing and words coming out of him!

As for Nolan, he now has 10, yes 10, stuffed animals keeping him company in his bed. We also switch between tucking in either his motorcycle or Tow Mater in with him on a nightly basis. He’s doing really well with his potty-training, and other than one mishap two weeks ago, he hasn’t had any accidents in a long time!

We’re headed up to St. Cloud this weekend to hang out with Tom and Paula, and we’re looking at getting some more snow Sunday afternoon-should be fun!

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