Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Picture perfect?

Sunday was such a beautiful day! We started off the day at church, and then went right to Nolan's picture appointment. The appointment went as well as can be expected. I'm sure it's pretty scary for a baby to be plopped in front of a stranger and bright lights and be expected to smile and have fun! Overall he did fine - especially once we figured out he wasn't very smiley do to the fact he was pooping the whole time and we didn't realize it! We'll get the pictures back after vacation. We weren't particularly fond of the photographer we had. You could just tell she didn't want to be at work. I was also a little surprised at how rushed everything was. We went to JC Penney, but next time we're going to try either Target or Sears. After we got home we played outside in the front yard for quite a while. Nolan loves being outdoors! Adam was able to get a bunch of yard work done, and even found time to wash and vaccuum my car. It really needed a good cleaning, because Adam forgot to close the windows and sunroof and there was cotton in it everywhere! We also stopped over to our neighbor's house to help their little guy Luke celebrate his 5th birthday.

Yesterday Nolan had another chiropractor appointment. He did much better, and while he still cried it was nothing like last week. We're still seeing huge improvements in tummy time, so that makes me think it's working.

It's time to start thinking about going back to work, which I'm pretty excited about. I love being home with Nolan (most days!), but I also really like my job and the people I work with. I hope they're as excited to have me back as I am to come back! My first 2 days back at work are June 29th and 30th, and then I'll be off the rest of that week. My first full week back is July 6th. I'm sure there will be an adjustment period for both me and Nolan, but it will be good for him to be around other kids and for me to be around adults! We stopped over to see "Daycare Julie" earlier today and he goes right to her. Plus all the kids seem to like them, although the 20 month old twins would rather him not be there - they want Julie to themselves!

Tomorrow we have another chiropractor appointment, and then it's time to start packing for vacation. We leave on Saturday after Adam's done playing in the woodbat softball tournament. Hopefully there's room in the truck for all our stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, definitely go to Sears. I've always been happy with their portraits, wherever we've lived! Have a great trip!
