Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wacky Wednesday and Rollover Thursday

Yesterday was probably one of the most interesting days I've had since I've been home on maternity leave. It started out great - Nolan slept through the night! Adam and I have started using some of the Baby Whisperer technics, and they actually work! The "dream feed" is what's getting us through. He slept from 8:15 PM - 6:15 AM yesterday, with a dream feed at 10:45. I fed him his first bottle when he woke up, and then he played until 8. Right after I put him down for his nap the power went out, and didn't come back on until 9:40. Good thing Nolan napped from 8 - 8:40!During tummy time again he rolled over from his tummy to his back again. Hopefully this will start to be a more regular occurance! I fed him again around 9:30, and we started out on our walk at 10:30. As I opened up our garage door I noticed a police car in front of our house, near the mailbox. It's not that odd for us to see a Mound police car in our neighborhood, because our next door neighbor Todd works for the police department. However, this was a police woman, and I heard our neighbor Kurt from down the street saying he smelled smoke and heard the alarms going off. He was pointing at our neighboor Julie's house, across the street. Just then the fire truck pulled up. They had to knock the door in, and when Nolan and I left the firemen were bringing a fan in to the house and opening all the windows. When we got back from our walk an hour later everyone was gone, so things must be okay. I didn't want to disturb Julie last night with questions, but hopefully I'll see her tonight to find out what happened! Ahh, the life of a stay at home mom! After the walk Nolan and I were looking out our back windows when all of a sudden this stupid yellow bird with fast wings started flying in to the windows. And when I mean windows I mean all 5 of them, repeatedly. Very strange. I fed Nolan again around noon, and then one of the best parts about yesterday - Nolan napped for 2 1/2 hours in the afternoon! That gave me plenty of time to finish laundry and get caught up on the Deadliest Catch and Say Yes to the Dress! To finish our day we made it to Adam's softball game last night. They won 29-9! Although Adam didn't hit 2 homeruns like he did last week, it was still super fun to be there to cheer him on. Oh, and how could I forget that Adam opened up an early birthday present from Nolan -a new motorcycle helmet.

This morning Nolan started making noise at 5:15, so I had to use the "ssh pat" method a couple of times to get him to fall back asleep. Luckly it worked, and he slept until 6:40! We've had a good day, and he seems to be mastering the art of rolling over. I'm excited to be able to show everyone his new skills! He almost rolled over from his back to tummy today, too, but I think it will be a while before he gets that new trick down. I've been a little surprised at how much Nolan is drooling already. I totally thought that was something that started when the teeth start coming!

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