Friday, May 6, 2011

6 more weeks

Adam said I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I did anyway and I am a bit disappointed that Kale needs 6 more weeks in his helmet. He made really good progress again, but the orthotist still wants to see more improvement in the diagonal growth of his head. Yes, it's a pain to wash the helmet and Kale's head every night. I think the worst part of it for me right now is how sweaty his little head is with the warmer weather. He is a trooper, though, so I know he'll do fine.

Nolan's new favorite saying is "I don't want to". It's great that he's starting to have his own opionion; however, I have to keep telling him that it's not really up to him and that he needs to follow directions. Sometimes he's okay with that response, and other times not so much! Nolan was excited to wear a new pair of pj's to bed tonight - he loves bugs right now. My family noticed that he was wearing a pair last weekend that was much too small on him - so I dug out all the 2T pj's I bought on clearance last year. Adam and I should have noticed they were too small, but for some reason we just don't pay that close of attention to those small details! We did finally pay attention to that fact that Nolan's socks were falling off his feet because they were too small, so now he is the proud of owner of his first Hanes brand socks. They look so grown up!

Adam is up north until tomorrow evening, so I spent some quality time with a bucket of cleaning water tonight. I always feel so much better when the house is picked up and clean. I know it's not going to stay that way, but I least I've had a few hours to enjoy it tonight. Tomorrow Kale has swimming lessons, and on Sunday (Mother's Day) we have lunch plans with Adam's family. Next week is a really busy week, so I'm hoping as a special gift from my boys I'll get some quiet time to relax!

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