Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crazy Kale

I've talked a lot about how busy Kale is lately - so here he is in action!

I keep forgetting to mention how far a long Nolan is coming with his speaking skills. He is starting to connect descriptive words to what they actually mean, and uses it in a sentence - See a big boat, mommy. He is also trying to use "too" in sentences, although he doesn't quite have the concept down yet - See boat, too, mommy - when in fact it's the first time anyone in the car has mentioned a boat, or truck, or motorcycle, or bike:) He loves to practice counting, and does fairly well up to 10. For some reason he likes to skip the number 1 and start with 2 - and I think that might be related to his age and that fact we talked about him turning 2 for a few months around his birthday. He's trying hard with his ABC's, and from what he tells us his favorite letters are a, b, e and o. He has pretty well mastered the differnece between his right foot and left foot. We practice every day when he takes his shoes on and off. It's pretty amazing how much their little minds can absorb at this age! Oh, and the other fun thing we get to do with Nolan has to do with reading his books before bed. He is starting to be able to read with us, which is so much fun. His current favorite books are "Duck Goes Potty", "Pig Takes a Bath" and "Pony Brushes His Teeth". He can look at shapes and tell us what a circle, square, star, triangle and oval are - all with the help of Little People books that he likes to read.

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