Monday, May 25, 2009

Have you ever had the feeling you were being watched?

I know, I know. It sounds morbid. But it happened to me last night, while I was watching tv with Adam and Nolan in our basement! We were enjoying the season premier of Jon and Kate plus 8, when all of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me from outside. It was dusk outside, and as I turned to look I saw a deer staring at me through our window! It startled me, to say the least. Adam was rocking Nolan so all he could do was turn his head to look. I got up to look out our sliding door and was once again startled, as another deer was eating from our birdfeeder! Needless to say I scared them and they trotted off, in the direction of our firepit. I knew immediately as I watched them they were going to try and eat our hostas again. Sure enough, not 1, not 2, but 3 deer were chomping away at our hostas! I opened the sliding door and shooed them away. But that wasn't the end of it. As Adam and I were getting Nolan to bed we looked out our living room window and saw all 3 deer at our birdfeeder again! They sensed us watching them and trotted off. After we put Nolan down Adam looked out our bedroom window and saw them back at the birdfeeder, again! Seriously, what does it take to scare the deer? We didn't see them after that, but our bird seed is awfully low, and our hostas aren't looking too good. Any advice on our deer problem would be appreciated. I don't like the fact they can stare at us in our basement!

We had a wonderful and busy Memorial weekend. I don't think anyone could have ordered more perfect weather!

Nolan and I were in St. Cloud on Friday getting the trunk on the Jetta fixed. We also had them drive the car and run a diagnostic, as it's been running really rough. The couldn't find anything wrong with it, which is good. They recommended we put some premium fuel in it, and it has been running a lot better since. I'd like to keep that car for at least another couple years, as long as it doesn't become a money pit! Nolan slept both to St. Cloud and back, and was a very good boy at the dealership. When Adam got home from work I was able to clean the whole house top to bottom. What a great feeling! I really try to stay on top of things during the week, but it's a lot harder with Nolan, especially if he's not sleeping! Erica came over Friday evening to watch Nolan so I could get out with Adam on my first motorcycle ride since last July! It was so wonderful. Adam and I felt bad leaving, though, because Nolan was having a super fussy time. Luckily Erica was able to calm him down, at least for a little bit. It's hard when Nolan gets so worked up - we don't always know what it is. Is it gas? Reflux? Overtired? Hungry? Dirty diaper? Or is he just cranky? I picked up the Baby Whisperer book at Border's on Friday in St. Cloud. I know the basic concepts, but have decided I need to learn a few more that will hopefully help both me and Adam! Friday night we had a bonfire with a few of the neighbors.

Saturday we "camped" at the Robinson house. Okay, we didn't camp, but everyone else did. We had so much fun. We enjoyed a nice cookout before walking over to Kathy and Josh's house to ride the horses. I rode a horse for the first time in my entire life! It was a little scary, but fun! It was amazing watching the little kids on the horse. They were fearless! Again, Nolan was a little rockstar. He fell asleep at the bonfire, and slept the whole time in the house while we were outside.

Sunday morning Adam and I had to count collection at church, and after that we took Nolan to our friend Lindsey's house. She was nice enough to babysit Nolan so we could get out on the motorcycle again. We took back roads to Mankato to visit Brian, Christianne, Lalayna and Lola. Adam hadn't met Lola yet, and since we're the godparents we thought it would be a good idea! She is so cute and little. We took some different back roads home, and picked up Nolan in Victoria around 6:15. He's been so funny lately. He seems to be a lot more content just laying around in between feedings and naps. He seems to find some new noises to make every day, and is trying out different levels of sounds when he talks! He goos, coos, ahhs, and grr's now. Yesterday he tried rolling over on his right side, but his arm got him stuck. It was really fun to watch him try!

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Jackie and Keith's house in Rogers. Adam helped Keith install a new storm door, so Jackie and I hung out with Nolan. Again he was a really good kid. He just laid on the floor and talked and smiled at us!

Today we spent most of the day running errands, and Nolan slept the whole time. When we got home we took a short walk, laid outside in the grass for a while, and now he's napping again. Adam and I elevated the mattress in his crib last night to see if he would sleep better in it. He did, except now we have to figure out a way to keep him from sliding down the mattress. It's not elevated that much, but 3 times last night he managed to scoot his way to the bottom of the crib. I guess we have to keep experimenting with it until we get it right! We're still working on getting Nolan to look to the left more. We're facing him the opposite way in his crib, on his changing table and activity mat, and working with him while we play on the floor. A friend of ours made a suggestion that we think about seeing a chiropractor, so I'm doing some research right now and am hoping to get Nolan in to see someone this week. Between the reflux and the potential torticollis both Adam and I figure it's worth a try.

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