Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sleep - so over-rated!

Nolan is fast approaching his official 2-month birthday - this Thursday. It's amazing how fast the time has gone. He's doing lots of fun stuff. A few weeks ago he figured out how to work his eyebrows. He's added even more expressions to his looks! He coos and talks most of the day, especially since he's no longer sleeping during the day. Seriously, he sleeps about 1-2 hours between the hours of 5:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. It makes for a very long day for both of us! It's one of the first questions I'm going to ask his pediatrician. Last night he woke up at 3:15 and didn't go back to sleep. I'm running on fumes right now, so here's hoping he sleeps longer tonight! For the last week he's been honing his skills on grabbing and holding on to his blanket, and today he figured out how to pick up a toy and hold on to it for a little while. It's funny watching him, because he seems surprised when he picks it up, and equally surprised when it falls out of his hand again.

On Friday night Nolan attended his 3rd restaurant/bar of the week. Monday was Anna's birthday at Old Chicago, Wednesday we were in Rogers at Majors, and on Friday we went to a going away party for a guy Adam and I know from work at Majors in Bloomington. So far, so good - Nolan seems to love all the noise and commotion! Plus, he gets so much attention from everyone, especially the servers. The women love him!

This past weekend Adam and I attended his cousin Gina's wedding in Hector. We dropped off Nolan with Adam's Aunt Elaine and Uncle Jay in Olivia so we could enjoy the day. We were so thankful they could help us out, because we had a blast! And, according to Elaine, Nolan did really well. We forgot to tell her that he hates sitting in a dirty/wet diaper, so she was surprised at how many diapers he went through!

On Sunday Chris and Sasha stopped over with Jackson so they could meet Nolan. It was so fun seeing the two little boys together. They are going to cause some trouble when they get older! Nolan fell asleep around 7:45 Sunday night, so Adam and I took the opportunity and had a bonfire - our first of the season. It was so nice to enjoy our backyard, especially since there aren't any bugs yet!

I love the fact the weather is getting warmer and the sun is out. Hopefully I'll get a chance to enjoy it with Nolan. We're hoping to make it to our first softball game of the season on Wednesday! He has his 2 month check up on Thursday. My best guess is he'll weight in at 10+ lbs and be 23.5 inches long. Stay tuned to find out if I'm right!

Adam just took Nolan over to his parent's house so he could take his mom to pick out her Mother's Day gift at the greenhouse she likes. I thought I'd best use my time wisely before I head off to yoga! Have a great evening everyone!

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