Monday, May 4, 2009

4 in a row

As all new parents know, the lack of sleep that comes with having a newborn is one of the hardest things to adjust to. Adam and I are now almost 6 weeks in to our new life with Nolan and have had many, many sleepless nights. But, starting mid-week last week, Nolan has had 3 nights where he has slept at least 4 hours in one stretch. Hallelujah! I feel like a whole new person with all the sleep I'm getting now! I think part of his new sleeping pattern is a growth spurt. He is getting so big! By my estimate he is probably pushing 9 1/2 lbs - and you can tell by the multiple chins he is now sporting, as well as the rolls he's getting on his legs.

This weekend was busy, but super fun. My highlight was Saturday, which was a designated girls day with 5 of my girlfriends. Our husbands took care of the kids, and we enjoyed an entire day of fun! We started at Lifetime in Chan, where I enjoyed a pedicure and everyone else enjoyed facials or massages. From there we headed over to St. Paul to Mosaic on a Stick, a place where you can make mosaic art. We weren't really sure what to expect, so we brought some wine and snacks and had a great time. None of us are real creative, so we were pleasantly surprised when all of our picture frames and mirrors turned out great! I still have to grout the frame, but I think I convinced Adam and help me. Our next and final stop was dinner at Salut on Grand in St. Paul. We had a fantastic server, fabulous drinks and a good dinner. For me it was the perfect way to re-energize! Plus, Adam got to spend a whole day with Nolan - almost 12 hours! The picture attached is of me, Kate, Nikki, Lori, Becky and Tammy at Salut.

Nolan has become a very good walking partner, so last week I tested him and took him to the mall a few times for a shopping adventure. He is a shopping rock star! Yesterday we were at Ridgedale with Jackie and he slept the whole time we were out. Nice!

This week is going to be busy. We're celebrating Greg's birthday tomorrow evening, and Wednesday is the start of softball season. I can't wait to take Nolan down to the fields to watch Adam and the boys play, and to hang out with the girls and all the kids. Hopefully the weather will be nice! I also really start my new exercise program tonight, so that will keep me busy 3 nights/week.

There are a lot of fun events coming up in the next few weeks that I'm really looking forward to. The most exciting is the upcoming arrival of a new niece or nephew next Monday, the 11th. One week left Christianne! If it's another girl Nolan will be outnumbered 4 to 1:)

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