Monday, July 27, 2009

The Booger

So, I’ve begun to understand the meaning of “true” love with Nolan… Of course, having Nolan has been an awesome experience-you feel an immediate sense of purpose and responsibility the second he shows himself to the world. But, the feeling that really overtakes you more and more everyday is the way you feel when you’re the first person to say “Good Morning” and the last person to say “Good Night” to someone day after day. Again, that’s all fine and dandy. But love, true love (say it like in the Princess Bride it’s a lot more fun!) can only be expressed as you try to suck a booger out of your kids’ nose…especially when what you thought was going to be a simple process ends up being the biggest, slimiest thing you’ve ever seen. Rather than being mortified at what just came out of Nolan’s nasal cavities, I laugh, do a mini fist pump with him because of the amazing feat he just completed and carry on with the whole morning routine-that’s love I guess, huh? Sometime’s what you think is a little ice cube becomes a huge iceberg-of boogers. Fatherhood is hilarious! Have a great week everybody! Adam

1 comment:

  1. Just wait until he starts to vomit and you catch it with your hands. NOW that's love. (Ma-wage. Ma-wage is what bwings us together, today.) ;-)
