Monday, July 13, 2009

Where does the time go?

I have a full week of work under my belt, and I have to say last week went better than I expected. My sore feet were the only bummer of the week. Not wearing 2 – 3 inch heels for 14+ weeks has really done a number on my feet! Adam and I really pulled it together and managed to get out the door every day at 7. Nolan is developing a habit of waking up between 4 and 4:30 because he needs a diaper change. The good news is that after that happens he usually (and I emphasize usually) goes back to sleep until at least 6. Today Adam had to wake him up at 7, so apparently he needed the sleep! Nolan’s first 2 days at daycare went really well – he was a perfect baby, according to Julie. He had a more difficult time on Wednesday and Thursday morning, probably because he was waking up last week around 4 or 4:30 and not really falling back to sleep! Julie got to see his angry side, which includes inconsolable crying, a purple face and sweating. He did take good afternoon naps – who wouldn’t after not sleeping for that long? Overall though, he is a very content baby and I think he likes it at daycare. He gets lots of one on one attention from Julie because he’s the only infant. Every time we picked him up last week he was being held, and he always comes home with a clean diaper. He also developed a new skill last week, but it only comes when he’s sleeping. When I went to get him out of bed Wednesday morning he was laying on his tummy. We always put him to sleep on his back and we’ve noticed he’s becoming a side sleeper. Well, from his side sleep he’s figured out how to turn over to his belly! Julie said she noticed right away last week that he was really close to turning from his back to belly, and he finally did it during nap last week, too. Another fun development is that Nolan is using his exersaucer. It’s pretty funny to watch him. Once he figured out he could jump in it there was no stopping him!

My sister Gina and her family were in town this weekend. My brother-in-law Eric was hosting a bachelor party for his brother Justin, so Adam and Eric were gone all day Saturday for the festivities. Gina and I took the kids to the MN Zoo Saturday morning. We got there right at 9, and it was so nice to be able to walk around and actually get right up to the glass or exhibit to see the animals! The bears were active and walking around, and we were able to see one of the giraffes really close. Nolan slept through most of it again (in his Baby Bjorn). Allie and Emma really liked the new playground and “swimming”, which was nothing more than running around in the water that spouts out of the ground. Actually, I think Emma’s favorite part was the picnic we had in the parking lot! Gina was super nice and babysat Nolan for me Saturday evening so I could attend a surprise birthday party for my friend Melissa. I think it was a bit challenging having all 3 kids, especially since Nolan had one of his crying spells! But, she survived until I got home at 9:30. Yesterday we celebrated Gina’s birthday with a birthday brunch and cake, and they left around 10:30. Adam and I had a relaxing day at home, and then had Ellen and Greg over for dinner.

This week is pretty quiet, other than softball on Wednesday. Nolan’s bedtime is starting to get a little earlier and he’s usually in bed by 7:45, so Adam and I are able to enjoy some time together after we both work out!

The pictures I’ve attached are from Nolan’s 3 month professional pictures. He’s changed quite a bit since then, but I wanted to make sure I shared them.

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