Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You're making me grumpy, mom

On the way home from Jane’s house Kale was being a little crabby. He started talking back to me so I got after him. His response – “Mom, you’re making me grumpy.” His attitude improved once we got home, when he Nolan could play outside. I told them to play in the garage while I made dinner. After a little while it got really quiet. I peeked through the door to see what was going on and I couldn’t see either of them. I called their names and asked what they were doing. Nolan responded that they were “pretending to drink beer” by the new stand up freezer. I explained that they need to pretend to drink juice, milk or water, but not beer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bleck Family! I was hoping you would be able to answer my question about your blog! My name is Heather and if you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!
